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Signal Controller


A controller derived from real-time signal input.

Syntax and Default Values

The 'signal controller can be created using the following Lisp syntax:

(make-controller 'signal


The 'signal controller takes the following arguments:

  • dimension: number of dimensions of the output controller.
  • point-inputN: a point-input from a real-time source.

The point-inputs should be made from the (make-point-input ... ) command (this is documented in the workspace section). The number of point-inputs given as arguments should correspond to the number of dimensions.


To use the signal controller, you will need to use it with a point-input, by first instantiating a point input with an optional scalar controller (here a constant scaling value of 0.707), then using the point input in the signal controller:

(setq my-input (make-point-input 0 (const 0.707)))
(setq my-signal-controller (make-controller 'signal 1 my-input))
A multi-dimensional controller can be created like this:

(setq my-input0 (make-point-input 0))
(setq my-input1 (make-point-input 1))
(setq my-controller (make-controller 'signal 2 my-input0 my-input1))
Naturally, it must be used in with Modalys in a real-time context (such as with modalys~ in Max/MSP).

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