Random Controller
Outputs one or more equally distributed random sequences (white noise). The output values range from -1 to 1.
Syntax and Default Values
The 'constant controller can be created using the following Lisp or mlys.lua syntax:
(make-controller 'random
local noiseCtrl = modalys.make_controller{ kind="random",
The 'random controller takes two arguments:
- dimension: number of dimensions of the output controller.
- period: sampling period (seconds). period=0 means 'every sample'.
The period is used to define the time between the updates of the controller. If zero is given then it updates every sample.
The Random Controller is basically a white noise oscillator with an optional sample-and-hold mechanism, since it outputs values between -1 an 1, and has a user-defined sampling period. It is fairly simple to use and can output different random values in multiple dimensions, such as this example (whose graph is shown above) which outputs 3 dimensions of random values updated every 10 milliseconds:
(setq my-rand (make-controller 'random 3 0.01))
(setq my-string (make-object 'mono-string))
(setq my-string-acc (make-access my-string (const .6) 'trans0))
(setq my-noise (make-controller 'random 1 0))
(setq my-env (make-controller 'envelope 1 '((0 0) (0.1 5) (0.2 2) (0.3 0)) ))
(setq force-ctl (make-controller 'arithmetic 1 "*" my-noise my-env))
(make-connection 'force my-string-acc force-ctl)