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IntroductionSignal Analysis > Markers > Basic Manipulations
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Basic Manipulations

Selection, Move, Copy

  1. Select the arrow or the lasso tool

  2. Hover the pointer over a marker to display a double pointer.

  3. To select several markers

    • SHIFT click on the items

    • click and drag a group of markers


To move one or several markers, select the item(s) and

  • drag them with the mouse

  • use the  ; add SHIFT to increase the step.

1.& 2. Selection 3. The pasted markers are located at the cursor position.
1.& 2. Selection 3. The pasted markers are located at the cursor position.

To copy one or several markers

  1. Select the item(s).

  2. Select Edit/Copy  or press Cmd + C.

  3. Click on a location in the sonogram window. The selected location will be that of the first marker in time.

  4. Select Edit/Past  or press Cmd + V.

If you don't select any location the markers position will be that of the cursor.

Deleting / Hiding Markers


To delete one or several markers, select the item(s) and press Backspace.

Deleting All Analysis Markers

When executing an analysis, a great number of markers can be added in the file.

A means to delete all the markers is to undo the analysis, via the Edit/Undo menu, or Cmd + Z shortcut. The Cmd + A shortcut is not available.

Note that you will possibly have to regress through all the successive operations you performed after you performed the analysis to be able to cancel it.

Hiding / Showing Markers

To hide or show a type of markers or all markers, uncheck the corresponding box in the sonogram display.

To increase or reduce the number of displayed markers, use the threshold value slider in the sonogram display

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