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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Visual Programming II > Interface Boxes > Examples of Use
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Using the Interface Boxes : Example

Building a Triad with an Item-List-Box, a Button-Box, and a Check Box

 A minor or major triad is created with three interface boxes : multiple-items-list-box, button-box, and check-box.

  • On the left the build note! button calls a series of boxes :

    1. two list-boxes allow to choose a note name from A to G, and an octave index, from 1 to 5.

    2. the resulting reference is returned as a list with three lisp functions to  n->mc[1] ,

    3. n->mc returns a midicents value to a chord box.

  • On the right, the build chord! button calls another series of boxes :

    1. The minor check box is checked and returns "true" to OMIF,

    2. OMIF returns 300, which makes a minor third. If it isn't checked, OMIF returns the value of a major third – 400 mc.

    3. The value of the root is added with 300 and 700 to build a minor triad, via two om+ boxes.

    4. The resulting values are gathered by x-append into one single list and returned to a chord box.


As n->mc returns a list, we have to use a chord box, and not a note box, to create the root of the chord. A note box doesn't accept lists, but atoms.

Choosing and Listening to a Sound with a Pop-Up-Menu Box

Arguments of the Pop-Up-Menu

This pop-up box returns two types of results :

  • Input #1 is connected to a textfile box, which contains a list of midi channel names . When output #1 is evaluated, it returns the midichannel number.

  • Input #2 is connected to a lambda patch, which can play the sound of a selected sample.

About MIDI Functions in OM
Inside the Lambda Patch

A sequence function evaluates two elements successively :

  1. The pgm-out function sets the MIDI program from the midichannel index value passed as argument to the lambda patch.

  2. The play function plays a note with the chosen midi sound.

The action programmed in the patch is executed when an item is selected in the pop-up-menu box.

  1. n->mc

    Converts a note name or list of note names into corresponding midi cents values. The reference is the standard notation, where the medium C (6000 midicents) = C3.

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