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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Visual Programming II > Interface Boxes > Text Boxes
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Text Boxes

Text boxes allow to input or visualize a text in a visual program. There exist two types of text boxes :

  • text-boxes are limited to a single line. They accept neither line returns, nor tabulations.

  • text-view can have several lines and accept line returns or tabulations.


Inputs / Outputs

Text-Box and Text-View
Text-Box and Text-View

Text boxes have one input and output :

  • "text" input : something to display, such as a string or other type of data.

  • "text" output : returns the current contents of the box.


Displaying Results

Text boxes are convenient tools for the visualization of intermediate results returned by boxes.

Using a text box to display a result.
Using a text box to display a result.
Modifying Inputs Intermediate Data

Text boxes can also be use for inputting or modifying f-data in OM visual programs.

Using a text box to input data. Lock the box to preserve its content at the evaluation.
Using a text box to input data. Lock the box to preserve its content at the evaluation.
"Lock" Mode

Text boxes must be locked not to be reinitialized and return their current content at the evaluation.

To lock a box, press b .

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