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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Visual Programming II > Interface Boxes > General Features
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General Features

To access dialog Items, go to Classes / Kernel / Interface Boxes / in the OM menus.

Displaying the Dialog Items


The actual interface of a dialog box is displayed via the miniview.

To display a miniview, select a box and press m.

Diplaying the interface for the classes TEXT-BOX and BUTTON
Diplaying the interface for the classes TEXT-BOX and BUTTON
Appellation : Displaying and Editing the "Text" Argument
A button-box before and after the evaluation : "click" is a default text argument.
A button-box before and after the evaluation : "click" is a default text argument.

Most interface boxes have a display text, generally as a first input. The text connected to the input is displayed on the interface when the box is evaluated (if not in locked mode).

To change the value of the "text" argument  :

  1. click or SHIFT click on the first input to edit it – don't forget to validate

  2. select and evaluate the box : press v.

Selecting Boxes

Selection, Move, Resize...

Once their miniview is displayed, interface boxes cannot be selected with a mouse click, due to the nature of the interface.

To select a box, click on the border of the box, or drag the mouse over the whole box. The box can then be resized or evaluated as usual.

Items can be also moved and resized without the mouse, to a certain extent :

  • use the arrows keys – use SHIFT to go faster

  • press i to restore the initial size.

Hiding the Box Contents

An easy way to select and move/resize the interface box is to temporarily hide their contenst with m.

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