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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Score Objects > Score Editors > Rhythmic Objects
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Rhythmic Objects : Voice Editor

The voice editor palettes shows a number of additional tools, which define hierarchic edition level.

  • Group tool - rhythmic groups within measures of the sequence.

  • Measure tool - entire measures within the sequence.

  • Voice tool - seen before, more specifically dedicated to the voice object whole voice at once.

Consecutive pitches are considered as chords . This must be taken into account for choosing the appropriate tool in the palette.

Entering Chords and Notes

Adding and Deleting Measures
  • To add measures in a poly :

    1. select the measure tool in the palette,

    2. Cmd click on the left or on the right of the pre existent measure. in the palette

  • To delete one or several selected measures, press Backspace.

Converting Silences into Notes

Once created, a measure displays a whole pause. You can either :

  • turn this pause into a whole note, and then split it into other values,

  • split this pause into shorter values first, and split it into other values.

To convert a whole pause into a whole note and back, select the measure tool , select the measure and press esc .

To split a silence or a note  into a group of equal values :

  1. select the chord tool ,

  2. select the item,

  3. enter a number.

Adding Notes to Chords

Select the note or the chord tool and Cmd click on a chord.

If you didn't click right on the chord, the note is framed in red.

Use the and keys to reach the desired chord and press ENTER .



To tie successive chords, press = .

To untie them, press / .


To get a group :

  1. select a chord

  2. enter a number to split it into smaller equal values.

Individual chords cannot be grouped from the voice editor.

To break an existing group :

  1. select a group with the group tool

  2. press -.


To merge successive chords into one longer chord :

  1. delete all existing ties,

  2. select several chords with the chord tool, and press + .

The duration of the resulting chord is equal to the sum of the merged chords.

Move Staff

To move a staff up or down :

  1. select it by clicking on the clef

  2. use the keys.

Staff, Voices and Measures

To apply modifications to a whole voice or measure, select the voice tool or the measure tool

Some modifications may not be relevant. Groups cannot be broken over a whole voice, for instance.

Transposing an entire voice.
Transposing an entire voice.

Note that if a voice consists of several staves, a selection with the voice tool applies to the whole group of staves.

The second mesure of the first voice shows three groups levels nested within each other.
The second mesure of the first voice shows three groups levels nested within each other.

Groups are represented by beams or by small vertical lines.

To break a group :

  1. select the group tool,

  2. select the group to break,

  3. press -.

If several groups are nested into each other, they are broken from the main level to the secondary levels.

Groups and Rhythm Trees Syntax :
Reminder : Groups and Rhythm Trees

Groups are written as sub lists.

Here, the first sequence has one eighth notes group, the second sequence has no group.

Modifying Groups From the Rhythm Tree Input

Groups cannot be created from the editor. If you modify a rhythm tree after editing the other parameters of a voice, all parameters are reset to their default value when evaluating the object.

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