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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Score Objects > Score Editors > Harmonic Objects > Other Slots
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Editing Other Slots

Displaying Modes


The editor control upper menu gives access to each slot of the object.

The displaying of a slot value can be combined with displaying mode of the lower menu.


Chords : Duration, MidiChannel, Dynamics

The duration of one or more selected note can be modified with the same procedures as for notes.

  1. Select the duration menu item.

  2. Select the note tool.

  3. Select one or more notes and change their parametric value :

    • use the or keys
    • type a value in the editor control frame.
Chord-Seq : Offsets

The chords onsets in a chord-seq can be modified from the second chord.

  1. Select the chord tool.

  2. Use one of the following procedure :

    • drag and drop the item(s) 
    • use the or keys : the offset value is decreased or increased by 100 milliseconds steps. Add SHIFT to change the value by 1000 midicents steps.
Modifying the offset of a chord "manually".
Modifying the offset of a chord "manually".

To display the legato value of notes in a chord-seq, select the duration menu item in the editor control.

Reminder : Pitch

Modifications can apply to notes, or to whole chords or chord-seqs .

  1. Select the tool corresponding to the item you want to transpose.

  2. Transposing can be done :

    • with a drag and drop
    • from the staff's scale : or keys,
    • from the midicents scale : click in the editor control frame and scroll the mouse upwards or downwards, or type a value.


  • To display or hide a grid in the editor, press g .
  • To adjust an item to and its duration to the grid, select it and press a .

The duration change is effective if the initial duration value is close to that of the grid's step.

To change the grid's step, press SHIFT + g .

To move the item or change its duration according to the grid's step, press SHIFT + or .

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A propos...(c) Ircam - Centre PompidouRéalisé avec Scenari