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IntroductionSignal Manipulation > Surface Filters > Creating Surface Filters
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Creating Surface Filters

Rectangle and Shape

The rectangle and shape tools allow to draw three types of surfaces in the sonogram window.

  • To draw a rectangle with the surface tool, click and drag the pointer on the sonogram.

  • To draw a polygon with the shape tool, click successively and complete with a double click.

  • To draw a free surface with the same shape tool, click and drag the pointer continuously.

Pencil Strokes

Pencil Strokes
  • The pencil allows to draw lines, according to partials, but also to produce free drawings.

  • The harmonic pencil will produce additionnal harmonics.

Click and drag the pencil in the sonogram to draw lines.

The lower part of the menu allows to define both pencil strokes size. Click on the area tool icon and select the Pencil Size menu item.

Multiple Pencil Strokes

When several pencil strokes are created, they are gathered in a global area delineated by a dotted line, and represented in a single block in the Processing Sequencer.

One or several item can be selected, manipulated and edited independently or alltogether. For detailed information, refer the corresponding section.

Manipulating Local Filters in the Sonogram Window and Processing Sequencer
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