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IntroductionThe AudioSculpt Environment > Interface > Interface Overview
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Interface Overview

Interface at Start Up

Lauching AS

When launching AS, the interface is first "empty", and only consists of the AudioSculpt menu, and two displays : an Inspector, and a Sonogram Display. These displays are designed to browse the signal representation. As long as no sound file is open, these are useless.

When opening a sound or an analysis file, the AudioSculpt general window opens, and these displays will potentially become useful.

When a sound file or analysis file is open, these displays will potentially become useful.

Launching AS and Opening a Sound

Windows and Components Overview

When a sound file is open in AS, the general window appears with a number of zones : the upper zone, with a player, a transport window, a palette of tools, and a central zone, with two waveform representations. The sonogram, instantaneous spectrum, processing sequencer are empty, and the console is closed.

A stereo sound has been analyzed, manipulated and processed, as shown by the representations in the sonogram zone. All the zones of the window now display information.
A stereo sound has been analyzed, manipulated and processed, as shown by the representations in the sonogram zone. All the zones of the window now display information.Zoom
Windows and Displays

The interface consists of several windows.

  • A: tools to manipulate, browse and play the signal : on the left, a set of tools, on the middle, a player and tools options, on the right, a transport window.

  • B: waveform representations of the signal : a global view, and a view of the current sound segment for each channel, where the signal can be browsed.

  • C: sonographic representations, which appear when a signal analysis is performed.

  • D: the instantaneous spectrum corresponding to the position of the red cursor: this spectrum displays the energy (abscissa) according to the frequency (ordinates) of the spectral components

  • E: the processing sequencer, where treatments can be manipulated, edited, or locked in tracks.

  • F: the console, that prints the activity of AudioSculpt when processing a treatment ; by default, lthe console is closed.

  • 1 : the sonogram display, dedicated to the sonogram appearance, treatments, analysis representations.

    2 : the inspector window displays informations while manipulating and browsing the signal representations

BPF Editor

The BPF editor has no specific window. It enables the manual parametering of a number of treatments. BPFs can be located on the sonogram, waveform or instantaneous spectrum representations. Here, BFS have different appearances.

The BPF Editor
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