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IntroductionThe AudioSculpt Environment > Interface > Sonogram Display and Inspector
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Sonogram Display and Inspector Window


Two displays open with the window: the Sonogram Display and the Inspector, which are associated with the sonogram representation, analysis, treatments and manipulations of the signal.

Sonogram Display

The sonogram display is used for setting the contrast of the sonogram.

It also allows to show or hide the components that can appear in the AS window after an analysis, a treatment, and possibly edit some analysis parameters. By default, these items are displayed. To hide them, check the corresponding box.

The inspector provides information about a browsed or selected item in the sonogram or in the BPF editor.

It also allows to edit the parameters of the tool currently used in the window.

Sonogram Display

The sonogram display is used for setting the contrast of the sonogram.

It also allows to show or hide the components that can appear in the AS window after an analysis, a treatment, and possibly edit some analysis parameters.

Inspector Window


The inspector provides information about a browsed or selected item in the sonogram or in the BPF editor.

It also allows to edit the parameters of the tool currently used in the window.

Displaying and Editing Information

To display the parametric values of a component, click on it with the arrow tool.

Editable information is displayed in blue or green prompts. To edit it,

  1. double click on the value

  2. type new values

  3. click outside the prompt of press Return to validate.

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