Circular Membrane - Fixed
A circular membrane with zero thickness, fixed at its edged like a drum head.
(make-object 'circ-membrane ... )
Lisp Syntax and Default Values
A 'circ-membrane can be created using the following Lisp syntax (the default values are shown for each of the physical parameters):
(make-object 'circ-membrane
(modes 80)
(radius .5)
(tension 1000)
(surface-density 0.25)
(freq-loss 1)
(const-loss 1))
The arguments for the physical parameters can be either numerical values or Modalys controllers (either dynamic or constant). If a given parameter is not supplied when using the Lisp syntax, the default parameter value will be used.
- modes: number of modes.
- radius: in meters.
- tension: in Newtons.
- surface-density: surface density in kilograms. NB: was named "mass" in older versions of Modalys.
- freq-loss, const-loss: loss coefficients. See General object information.
A 'circ-membrane can be accessed only in its z-direction ('normal) from any point on its surface.
(make-access my-membrane my-2D-controller 'normal)
(make-access1 my-membrane (const 0.25 0) 'normal)
(make-access2 my-membrane (const 0.75 90) 'normal)
A circ-membrane can be tuned to a specific pitch, using the (set-pitch ...) function, by adjusting one of the following physical parameters:
- 'radius
- 'tension
- 'mass
For example:
(setq my-membrane (make-object 'circ-membrane))
(set-pitch my-membrane 'radius 55)