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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Maquettes > TemporalBoxes > TemporalBoxes Value > Patches
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The " value" of a patch is produced by the patches itself, but this value has to be expressed in the maquette. The Tempout is a specific outlet which allows to express this value. "Tempout" stands for "Temporal Output".

The TempOut

The Tempout is used for expressing the musical value of the patch within the maquette.

  • When a patch is created directly in a maquette, a tempout is automatically added in its internal editor.
  • If a patch is dropped in the maquette editor, this box can be added manually.
Adding a TempOut in a Patch

To add a tempout :

  • Cmd click and type "tempout",

    1. Ctrl / right click in the patch editor,

    2. select TemporalBoxes / Temporal Output in the contextual menu.

Instances and Maquettes Don't Have a TempOut

TemporalBoxes representing instances, global variables or factory boxes only have one standard output , as a matter of course, since they are a value.

TemporalBoxes representing maquettes only have standard inputs and outputs, their potential musical value being expressed by the maquette itself.

Using a Patch Without a TempOut

Sub patches don't have to be integrated in the musical structure of a maquette to be used there. Therefore, a Tempout can be deleted. To display and express the value of the object, though, a connection to a Tempout still remains necessary.

Here, the temporal object just performs an addition. It is not connected to any item, and its value is not displayed in the maquette.
Here, the temporal object just performs an addition. It is not connected to any item, and its value is not displayed in the maquette.

This patch can return / get data to / from other boxes via its inputs and outputs.

Setting the TempOut Value

The value of a sub patch is the value connected to the Tempout . The user can select the value(s) to express in the maquette.


In the upper TemporalBox :

  1. the value of a chord-seq is expressed via the Tempout, which is connected to the "self" output of the chord-seq

  2. the last chords of the chord-seq are returned by the cdr function to the standard output of the TemporalBox

The value of the lower TemporalBox is calculated from the resulting list :

  1. The input of the patch returns the list to flat .

  2. All sub-lists are then concatenated in a single list, which is returned to the"midics" input of the chord.

  3. The "self" output of the chord is connected to a Tempout .The chord becomes the value of the TemporalBox.

The Tempin / Self Input Box

A patch created directly in a maquette has another default box : the Tempin , or Self Input Box .

The Tempin , or Self Input Box allows to control and use the relation between the patch and the maquette wherein it is located as programming parameters .

Hence, the Tempin is not compulsary for using a patch within a maquette, and can be deleted.

Using the Self Input Box for Programming :
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