Parametric values : pitches, dynamics... how to define a chord
Applying lists of parametric values to a chord object
Materializing and visualizing the chord object
What is a list ?
A list is a finite, ordered sequence of elements, delineated by two parenthesis. In a list, each element itself is an atom, or a list. A list inside a list is also called a sub list.
How much is a semitone in midicents ?
A semitone is equal to 100 midicents
In Lisp, evaluating an expression amounts to interpreting and reducing its contents in order to return a result.
In OM, visual programs represent Lisp expressions and evaluating a box triggers the calculus that will determine the value of these expressions.
Any kind of box can be evaluated and return something. To evaluate a box, ‷ Click and press v
or Cmd
click on an outlet.