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OpenMusic DocumentationOpenMusic QuickStart > A Musical Application > Chord & Musical Objects
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The Chord Object – & Musical Objects in General –

Covered Topics
  • Class, factory box and instance concepts

  • Adding a chord factory box in the patch editor

  • Boxes properties and morphology : inputs, arguments, default values and outputs

  • Viewing and listening to the content of a chord


Class[1], Object[2], FactoryBox[3], Instance[4], Offset[5]

  1. Class

    A category of objects sharing common properties – characteristics and behaviour. A class specifies the internal structure and behaviour of an object. In OM, it is represented in a patch by a factory box that can produce an instance of a class.

    See also : Object, Instance

  2. Object

    A thing provided with properties – characteristics and behaviour. An object is defined by a class and shares the same characteristics with other objects belonging to the same class.

    An exemplar of a class.

    For instance, the class of Note defines all possible notes by listing the characteristics and behaviors they can have. The object A4 is a particular note : it is an instance of the Class note, with particular versions of its characteristics. A note has a pitch. An A4 is a 440 Hz note.

    See also : Class, Instance, Object Oriented Programming.

  3. Factory Box

    A box used for creating an instance, or exemplar, of a given class within a visual program.

  4. Instance

    An actual object created at runtime, out of a given class. In OM, more specifically, an object created when evaluating a factory box. An instance can be saved as a global variable.

    ‷ SHIFT click on an outlet – especially the first outlet representing the self, the whole object – of a factory box to materialize an instance.

  5. Offset

    Temporal position of an object.

    In a chord, each note can have a specific offset.

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