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Score Editors

Score objects are edited with an internal editor. To open the editor, double click on the corresponding box.

Editing Pitches

Choosing a Clef

Use the Notation pop up menu to :

  • change the clef of a staff
  • create a two-staff system
  • hide a staff
    Adding Notes to a Chord or Rhythmic Sequence
    • To add notes to a chord or sequence , Cmd click in the staff

    • To add notes to an existing chord within a sequence ,

      1. double click on the chord to open its internal editor

      2. add notes in the staff just as in a simple chord.

    • To delete notes, select them and press Backspace.

    • To group notes in a common chord, select them and press + .

    Grouping notes in one chord.
    Grouping notes in one chord.
    Adding Notes with a MIDI Device

    Notes can also be added while recording with palette player. To record a sequence :

    Setup MIDI Input
    Modifying Pitches

    To change the pitch of one or several notes :

    • drag them with the mouse.

    • select them and use the and keys

      add SHIFT or Cmd to transpose the pitch an octave or a fifth, respectively.


    Objects can be edited in 1/4th and 1/8th tones scales. Choose a temperament in the Approximation pop up menu.

    Temporal Parameters


    To change the offset of notes of chords,

    • use the or key

      add SHIFT to move them faster

    • use the mouse.


    Durations are expressed with horizontal bars when Durations is selected.

    To modify the duration of a note,

    • select it and use the and keys
    • add SHIFT to increase the temporal value
      Temporal Grid
      • To display the temporal grid, check the Grid option.
      • To set a temporal step, enter a value in ms. in the above frame.
      • To fit notes to the closest step, select them and press a.

        The temporal grid can determine both the duration and the temporal position of a given note. This is valid even if the grid is not activated.

        • The or keys alone correspond to tenth of a step.
        • SHIFT + or corresponds to a whole step.


          MIDI velocity can be visualized and modified via the Dynamics option. It is expressed by vertical bars.

          To modify the intensity of a note or chord

          • use the and keys
          • add SHIFT to increase the dynamics difference

            MIDI Channel

            To assign a specific MIDI channel to an object, click in the upper right frame and scroll the mouse up or down.

            About MIDI Controls

            Displaying Options

            Horizontal / Vertical Zoom

            To zoom in or out horizontally, click in the frame and scroll the mouse up or down to zoom in or out.

            Use the Font Size pop up menu to change the global score display size.

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