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Musique Lab 2Objects and Editors > Envelope
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Envelopes are curves defined by a set of points. They can be associated with several types of operators to transform or create musical objects.

To create an envelope, drop the icon in the objects area.

Envelope Editor


An envelope is represented by a break-point function (BPF). Some operators can apply BPFs to musical parameters, such as rhythms or intervals.

To visualize the ( x y ) coordinates of a point in the curve, hover the mouse over it. Coordinates will be displayed in the upper right corner.

An envelope editor.
An envelope editor.

To hide the curve, uncheck the Line option.

The curve is hidden. The points of the BPF remain visible.
The curve is hidden. The points of the BPF remain visible.

The palette of the editor is similar to that of the maquette.

  • Arrow tool : to select and create points in the curve.
  • Zoom tool : to zoom in on a selection of the curve.
  • Hand tool : to browse the editor.
  • Curve tool : to move the whole curve within the space.
    Display Reinitialization

    The button allows to reinitialize the editor axes in order to fit and display the whole set of points of the envelope.

    Adding and Deleting Points

    To add points in the curve, Alt click anywhere in the editor.

    Smoothing Preview

    The Smoothing preview option allows to visualize a smoothed curve computed by interpolation between the initial points.

    Degree 3, 210 points
    Degree 3, 210 points
    Degree 5, 271 points
    Degree 5, 271 points
    • Degree : defines the "smoothness" of the curve (how many adjacent points are used in the interpolation).

    • Resolution : defines the number of points in the smoothed curve.

    Degree 5, 33 points
    Degree 5, 33 points
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