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Musique Lab 2Objects and Editors > Sound
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Audio files are used as reference material. They can be listened to but not modified.

To create a sound, drop the icon in the objects area and select a file .wav or .aiff in the dialogue window that opens automatically

File Path

Sound file path (including folder names) sould avoid any special characters, such as accents.

Sound Editor

The sound itself can not be modified in the seditor, but some of its attached attribute can.

Setting Markers

Markers can be useful for analysis purposes or to isolate particular parts of a file.

  • To add a marker in a sound, just Alt + click in the editor.

  • To select a marker, click on it.

  • To delete a marker, press .

  • To assign a precise position to the marker, double click on it to open its dialogue window and enter a value in ms.

Double click in the area between two markers to select the corresponfding region in the sound file.

This regions only will be played with the "play region" palette button, or when using the space key.

Create a New Sound from Region

Select the region between two markers and drag it to the main document's objects area in order to create a new sound object.

A dialogue window will ask for a new sound file name and a new file will be created.

Audio Channel

To change the audio channel (or "track") of a sound object, enter a channel number in the upper right Audio Channel item.

Audio Channels Setup
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