The AudioSculpt Folder is in the location chosen at the installation, such as the Applications folder, for instance.
The AS folder has a number of specific items:
the AS application
The vocoder is an analysis/synthesis system that was orginally ment to code speech for transmission. Sounds are first input to an encoder, a device that converts information from one format to another : it is passed through a multiband filter with an envelope follower, that measures the amplitudes within a given frequency range. The resulting signals are communicated to the decoder, and applied to corresponding filters in a synthesizer. Vocoders both exist as hardware and software, an are also famous as electronic musical instruments.
There exist several vocoder systems. Among them, the LPC, which uses linear predictive coding is part of the methods used by Audiosculpt.
Phase vocoders apply the Short Term Fourier Transform instead of band filters to analyze sounds. As an implementation of the phase vocoder, the Super Phase Vocoder developed by Ircam gathers several other analysis methods. Audiosculpt is considered to be the graphic interface of the SPV.
PM2 is dedicated to the analysis and synthesis of sinusoids.
A format for sound description data storage, including representations of the signal for analysis-synthesis like spectral, sinusoidal, time-domain, or higher-level models, sound descriptors like loudness or fundamental frequency, markers, labels, and statistical models.
his format allows to store unspecified sound descriptions or analysis with a strict and normalized structure.
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