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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Basic Tools > Curves and Functions > BPF/BPC-Libs
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Multiple Objects : BPF/BPC-Lib

BPC-lib and BPF-lib objects are collections of BPFs and BPCs.


BPF-libs and BPC-libs have two inputs and outputs :

  1. "self" : the object itself, a BPF-Lib or BPC-Lib

  2. "bpf / bpc list" : a list of BPFs or BPCs.

Creating BPF-Libs or BPF-Libs in a patch

BPF-lib and BPC-lib instances can be created

  • out of existing BPFs or BPCs gathered in lists.
  • via their respective editors.
Abscissa Scale

The BPF-lib or BPC-lib precision is automatically adapted to the highest "decimal" value of the BPF or BPC objects of the list.

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