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OMChroma User ManualGetting started > Slots' Description and Default Values
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Slots' Description and Default Values

Tutorial Getting Started 01 - Slots' Description and Default Values

Naming conventions

A synthesis class is also called an event. An event has a certain amount of elements, as specified by the value of num-cols. The inputs of the events are also called slots (this comes from object-oriented programming). In this documentation, the names class or event, element or components, input or slot will be used.

Patching together ADD-1, Synthesize and Sound to get and hear the audio file.

Evaluate the sound class and press the space-bar to play the audio file.

To show the red slots (corresponding to p-fields) select ADD-1 and type "alt + right arrow key". To hide them type "alt + left arrow key".

Specific Slots


Default value




Maximum Amplitude. Linear from >0 to 1000 or in dB from 0 to negative values


440.0 (Hz)

(Minimum) current frequency [Hz]


Instance : GEN07

Amplitude envelope [GEN]

The ADD-1 Class realizes a simple additive synthesis with the following controls:

  • The main amplitude,
  • The oscillator's frequency,
  • The amplitude envelope by means of a GEN routine.
Warning: about the final amplitude level

Csound always does all the computation in floating point and generates an intermediate sound file that is then rescaled to the value specified by Normalize Output Level in "Preferences/Audio". The default value is -6 dB (more details about this topic in the Tutorial Getting Started 02 -_Amplitude and Internal Editor).

On-line Documentation

To show the html on-line documentation select the object and type "d".

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