The OM-pm2 library allows to perform additive analysis and extract the partials from audio files using the pm2 sound processing kernel.
It also performs the "chord-seq" analysis, allowing to extract the main partial as chords with given time intervals.
Finally, OM-pm2 allows you to quickly resynthesize sounds from lists or partials or chord-seqs using a basic additive (sinusoidal) syntehsis model.
Once the OM-pm2 library is loaded in OM, a new pm2 item will appear in the Externals
tab of the OM Preferences window.
In principle pm2 is already present in your library, but you can optionally specify the path to another location where it might be installed.
OM will display the kernel path in red if it is not found or not set correctly.
With the AudioSculpt installation, the sound processing kernels can be found inthe AudioSculpt x.x.x/Kernels/ folder.
All pm2 sound analyses results are stored ans returned as SDIF files : the analysis functions return a file pathname to connect to the SDIFFile object. SDIF file contents can be inspected and converted to data lists or OM objects using the SDIF package tools. |
SDIF tools in OM.