OM-Spat is a library for the creation and rendering of spatial scenes in OpenMusic. The scenes are represented as matrix objects (class SPAT-MATRIX) containing the information and spatial data of a number of sources.
OM-Spat implements a storage of the source trajectories and spatial attributes using the SDIF format. Generated SDIF files can be rendered by the Spat kernel or streamed to real-time environments via the Spat-SDIF-Player (applications to be installed separately).
Design and development: Jean Bresson, IRCAM Representations Musicales.
Contributions: Marlon Schumacher, CIRMMT/IDMIL/DCS, Mc Gill University.
OM-Spat is inspired from previous works by Carlos Agon and Gilber Nouno.
Spat renderer by Thibaut Carpentier, IRCAM Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces.