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Musique Lab 2Documents > Window Overview
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Window Overview

An ML2 document is represented by tripartite window.

The three areas of an ML-Maquette window;
The three areas of an ML-Maquette window;

Objects Area

The Objects area is located on the left side of the document.

It is used for creating, importing and editing musical objects.

Operators Area

The Operators area is located on the right side of the document.

It contains a list of operators available to process the document objects.

Using Operators
Operators Catalogue
Displaying the result of an operation.
Displaying the result of an operation.

Objects created by the operators are displayed in the lower zone of the operators region.

Maquette Area

The Maquette area is located in the lower part of the document.

Objects are organized temporally and played in this area.

Using the Maquette Area

The maquette player offers standard commands displayed on a palette. The palette appears when the maquette area is active (for instance, when it is clicked or being edited).

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