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Musique Lab 2The Maquette > Maquette Parameters
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Maquette Parameters

Display parameters are controlled by three buttons on the left of the maquette tool bar.

Showing / Hiding the Grid

To display or hide the grid, click on .

This grid can match either the metric or the temporal ruler, depending on its parametric definitions.

Rulers Setup

To define the rulers parameters, click on . The following dialogue window opens :

Horizontal Ruler

Rulers setup allow to snap objects to a meter or automatically temporally quantize them.

By default, the maquette grid should match the metric ruler.

  • To assign the grid to one of the rulers, click on one of the corresponding buttons :

    absolute / metric

  • To define a tempo and meter to the metric ruler,

    1. click on Edit

    2. enter values in the Measures window

      scroll the mouse up or down

To refine the internal quantization of objects within the grid's step, enter a value in ms (absolute option), or choose a musical value (metric option).

Defining the temporal and musical quantization of the horizontal rulers.
Defining the temporal and musical quantization of the horizontal rulers.
Vertical Ruler

The vertical position and quantization of objects can be especially useful depending on the operator in use. Such aspects can, for instance, determine the timbre (i.e. MIDI channel) of a chord or the melodic complexity of an arpeggio.


To adapt the visible area to the maquette's content, click on .

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