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Musique Lab 2The Maquette > Maquette Boxes
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Manipulating Object Boxes in the Maquette

Object appearance and properties can be changed in the maquette.

Contextual Menus

Objects are mostly manipulated via their contextual menus. All objects menus have four common items:

  • Mute
  • Initial Duration
  • Appearance
  • Lock

    The contents of the Parameters item will vary depending on the type of object.

    Advanced Box Manipulation in the Maquette
    Contextual menu of a MIDI object.
    Contextual menu of a MIDI object.

    To access a contextual menu, Ctrl / right click on the box.


    A box can be assigned a name, colour and image.

    Select the Appearance menu item to open the dialogue window.

    • To add a name to the box, enter a name in the frame.

    • To add a colour to the box, click on the coloured patch and choose a colour in the colour chooser.

    • To add a picture, click on the picture button and browse the content of your computer. Supported image formats include BMP, JPG, PNG, ...

    • To delete the picture from the box, click on the delete button next to the picture.

    Choose Apply or OK validate your choices (OK will close the window). Click on Cancel to close the dialogue window without applying any change.

    Common Box Menu Items


    Select the Mute item to mute the object while playing the maquette.

    Initial Duration

    Select the Initial Duration item to cancel temporal stretching or compression operations.


    Select the Lock menu item to protect the object.

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    All the previous actions are also accessible via keyboard shortcuts.

    Uset the Help / Commands menu to display all available shortcuts.

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