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Musique Lab 2Overview > Installation
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Installing ML2

Installation Procedure

ML2 installers on Mac and Windows
ML2 installers on Mac and Windows

To install ML2, double click on the package/installer icon.

Then follow the step-by-step instructions displayed by the installer.

ML2 installer window (Mac)
ML2 installer window (Mac)

Installed Elements

The following elements should be installed on your hard drive after installation suceeded:

  • The main Musique Lab 2 folder in the "programs" directory (ususally, C:\Program Files\ ), containing the Musique Lab 2 executable as well as a number of extra utilities and libraries.
  • 4 font files ( omicron.ttf, omextras.ttf, omsign.ttf, omheads.ttf ) in the system fonts directory (ususally C:\Windows\Fonts\ )
  • Musique Lab 2 and MIDI Setup shortcuts in the Windows "Start" menu and/or on the Desktop.
    MacOS X
    • The main Musique Lab 2 folder in /Applications/.
    • MIDI libraries ( MidiShare.farmework and Player.framework in /System/Libraries/Frameworks/ ) and utilities (in /Applications/MidiShare/ ).
    • SDIF and Audio libraries ( SDIF.framework and LibAudioStream.framework in /Libraries/Frameworks/ )
    • 4 font files ( omicron.ttf, omextras.ttf, omsign.ttf, omheads.ttf ) in /Library/Fonts/
      Installing MIDI

      The MidiShare utilities used to play MIDI in Musique Lab 2 are automatically installed.

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