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OpenMusic DocumentationOM 6.6 User Manual > Basic Tools > Array > Class-Array Object
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Class-Array Object

The class-array box is accessed via the Classes / Basic Tools / Array menu.


Columns and Lines

The  class-array box has a number of columns , called " components " and a variable number of rows or lines , called " fields ".

Default Inputs and Outputs

The class-array box has two default inputs and outputs

  • "self" : an object or a list of objects
  • "numcols" : a number of components or columns.
Keyword Inputs

The class-array can be added a number of keyword arguments , which represent the fields of the matrix.

Each keyword input has a corresponding output.

Rows and Columns

Use and Definition
An empty class-array with 2 fields – rows – and 7 components – columns.
An empty class-array with 2 fields – rows – and 7 components – columns.

Each column represents a component .

Each line or row in the matrix display represents a field , which corresponds to one of the keyword inputs  of the box.

  • Each line contains field values. Values are entered in the corresponding keyword input.
  • Field values are assigned successively to each component of the matrix. This means each cell has a specific value.
  • Fields can be added by the user with the k keys, just like keyword arguments in OM function boxes.

    To delete a field, press SHIFT + k .

  • Fields can be defined as slots of the class-array subclasses.

    They can then be hidden or shown with the > or < keys.

Slots / Subclasses

The class-array is designed to be used as a superclass for array classes with default fields.

Subclasses[1] can be created either with Lisp code, or visually in OMExamples of class-array subclasses are the classes from the OMChroma system for the control of sound synthesis.

Creating Subclasses
Keyword Inputs Name and Value

By default, keyword inputs – additional fields – are called ":k1", ":k2", etc...

To modify these names :

1. click on the input

2. enter a name starting with ":"

The value of keyword inputs must come from a connected box.


The class-array has an original and powerful instantiation system that interprets the input data connected to its different filed inputs automatically. If needed, input data is converted to generate and fill all the components values internally, depending on the given number of columns.

Applying a List of Values
If necessary, values are repeated.
If necessary, values are repeated.
  1. The list fits the number of components. The items contained in each list are assigned to the successive components.

  2. If the number of items is superior to the number of components, the list is repeated.

Applying a Single Value

A single value is repeated for every component of the array.

The constant value is repeated for all the components.
The constant value is repeated for all the components.
Resampling BPFs
Eight values are sampled periodically in the curve.
Eight values are sampled periodically in the curve.

A BPF can be resampled according to the number of components of the class-array . Hence, each component can be assigned a value , no matter how many points the BPF has.

This class-array contains eight components, or columns.

  • The BPF is the second field of the class-array .
  • Eight points are sampled in the BPF and assigned to the second line of the class-array .

Note that using the "x-points" or "y-points" instead of the "self" output of the BPF amounts to feeding the array with a list of value.

Applying Functions

If a function or a box on "lambda" mode is connected to a field of the array, it is applied to the components of the field at the evaluation.

Here, arrays # 1 and 3 are instantiated with two functions :

  1. the sinus function is evaluated for n = 1 to 30, that is, for each component's index.

  2. The om-random box in "lambda" mode defines a function that returns a random number between 0 and n, where n = the component's index.

Instantiating arrays with the sinus and om-random functions.
Instantiating arrays with the sinus and om-random functions.

Creating Arrays with Objects

Objects Lists

Objects, such as notes , chords , or any object in OM, can also be used for filling the matrix fields. These objects must be connected as a list to the class-array inputs.

This procedure also allows, for instance, to create arrays of arrays, as in example 2 above.

Advanced Issue : Row Types

In class-array subclasses , the type of a subclass field may change the way input data is interpreted.

  1. Subclass

    A subclass is derived from a preexisting class, by inheritance. In object-oriented programming, objects are defined by classes. New objects can be created from existing objects. As objects are defined by classes, classes can inherit other classes. Sub-classes inherit attributes and behavior of the pre-existing classes, or super-classes. Code is compartmentalized and reused by creating collections of attributes and behaviors called objects which can be based on previously created objects.

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