Name | Description | Default value |
bal | Panning in degree : 0=output1, 90 =output2, 180=output3, 270=output4 | 0 |
e-dels | Entry delays [sec], time interval between the object's "action-time" and the beginning of each line in the score. | 0 |
durs | Duration of each line in the score [sec] | 1 |
afile | File name | nil |
The 4ch-1 Class allows to place the audio source in a quadraphonic space with the following controls :
The example A shows how to place a mono sound file in a quadraphonic space using the class Sound directly connects to 4ch-1.
The example B shows how to use the generic function Chroma-Prisma to place a mono sound file in a quadraphonic space.
For the red patches Synt, and C#ed and see Appendix-A.