Outputs a sine-wave in each dimension.
(make-controller 'sine dimension freq_controller phase)
The 'sine controller takes two arguments:
The frequency controller determines frequency (or frequencies) of the output sine-wave(s). The dimension of this controller must equal the dimension of the sine-wave controller whose frequency it determines.
The initial phase parameter should be given, even if it is zero. Naturally, a cosine may be made by providing an initial phase of 90 degrees. Currently the phase parameter seems to only apply to the first dimension of the controller. This is a bug.
The sine controller is updated every synthesis sample period.
A basic sine controller (at 440 Hz, for example) may be created like this:
(setq my-sine (make-controller 'sine 1 (const 440) 0))
Although one-dimensional sine controllers are most often used, they may have multiple dimensions such as in this example (whose graph is shown, above, for one second of time):
(setq my-sine (make-controller 'sine 3 (const 1 2 5) 0))
Sine wave controllers are often useful to add modulation to other Modalys controllers. For example, if one wanted to add vibrato to the pitch of a plucked or bowed string synthesis, one could slightly vary the position of the access on the string where a finger makes contact with it using a sine controller.
Sine controllers can also be used to make synthesis, that can be used to resonate objects, as shown in Example 5.
There are no special options for this controller.
Modalys Tutorial Example [examples coming soon!]