Outputs one or more equally distributed random sequences (white noise). The output values range from -1 to 1.
(make-controller 'random dimension period)
The 'random controller takes two arguments:
The period is used to define the time between the updates of the controller. If zero is given then it updates every sample.
The Random Controller is basically a white noise oscillator with an optional sample-and-hold mechanism, since it outputs values between -1 an 1, and has a user-defined sampling period. It is fairly simple to use and can output different random values in multiple dimensions, such as this example (whose graph is shown above) which outputs 3 dimensions of random values updated every 10 milliseconds:
(setq my-rand (make-controller 'random 3 0.01))
A controller with random values has many practical uses within the Modalys environment - not least of which is to provide a noise source to use with a force connection:
(setq my-string (make-object 'mono-string))
(setq my-string-acc (make-access my-string (const .6) 'trans0))
(setq my-noise (make-controller 'random 1 0))
(setq my-env (make-controller 'envelope 1 '((0 0) (0.1 5) (0.2 2) (0.3 0)) ))
(setq force-ctl (make-controller 'arithmetic 1 "*" my-noise my-env))
(make-connection 'force my-string-acc force-ctl)
There are no special options for this controller.
Modalys Tutorial Example [examples coming soon!]