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Manipulating Selections



Segments can be manipulated within a BPF.

  • Activate : to activate a segment, click somewhere between two points and move the mouse a little to have the segment highlighted.

  • Move : once a segment is selected, it can be moved like a point, with the same pointer.

  • Gradient : to change the gradient of a segment, move the mouse to display the "resize" pointer, and scroll the mouse up or down.

  • Delete : to delete a segment, press Backspace. The two corresponding points of the BPF will disappear.

Cut and Paste

Do not try to "cut" and paste a segment on another location of the BPF : this would delete the whole BPF.

Multiple Items

Multiple Selection
  • Select/Unselect:

    • to select several points or segments, Cmd click on the desired objects, or Cmd click and drag a selection,
    • to unselect one or more item, Cmd click somewhere outside the BPF.
  • Move : to move the selection vertically or horizontally, place the mouse on one of the items to display the "move" pointer. The items can then be moved alltogether.

  • Delete : to delete the selection, press Backspace.

Cropping a Selection

It is possible to keep selected items and delete the adjacent parts of a BPF.

  1. Select one or more contiguous points or segments with a Cmd click or click and drag.

  2. In the contextual menu, choose Crop Selection.

Manipulating the Whole BPF
  • To select all the items of the BPF, press Cmd + A, or choose Select All Points in the contextual menu.

  • To unselect all the items, press Shift + Cmd + A.

The selection can then only be moved, or translated vertically.

Clearing the BPF

To delete all the items of the BPF and reset it to its default state, open the contextual menu – Ctrl click in the BPF or click on the triangle of the upper bar – and choose the Clear menu item.


Clearing a BPF cannot be undone.

Selection of the Whole BPF

  • To select all the items of the BPF, press Cmd + A, or choose Select All Points in the contextual menu.

  • To unselect all the items, press Shift + Cmd + A.

The selection can then only be moved, or translated vertically.

Clearing the BPF

To delete all the items of the BPF and reset it to its default state, open the contextual menu – Ctrl click in the BPF or click on the triangle of the upper bar – and choose the Clear menu item.


Clearing a BPF cannot be undone.

Copy/Paste, Copy Special/Paste Special

The contextual menu also has the Copy, Paste, and Paste Special menu items.


The Copy/Paste menu items of the contextual menu have the same function as Copy/Paste items of the Edit menu. They allow to copy selected points in a BPF.

Copy Special/Paste Special

These commands allow to copy the values of an instantaneous spectrum, or a fundamental frequency that is created with an analysis, and copy them, respectively, in a breakpoint filter, or in another BPF.

The Copy Special menu item is accessed via the Edit menu.

The Paste Special menu item is accessed via the BPF contextual menu.

F0 and Spectral Breakpoint Filter Copy Special - Overview
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