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  • [1] J. Chowning, "The simulation of moving sound sources", Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 19 (1), 1971, 2-6.

  • [2] F. R. Moore, "A general model for spatial processing of sounds", Computer Music Journal 7 (6), 1983, 6-15.

  • [3] O. Warusfel, "Étude des paramètres liés à la prise de son pour les applications d'acoustique virtuelle", Proceedings of the 1st French Congress on Acoustics, Lyon, 1990, vol. 2: 877-880.

  • [4] J.-M. Jot, "Étude et réalisation d'un spatialisateur de sons par modèles physiques et perceptifs", Doctoral dissertation, Télécom Paris, 1992.

  • [5a] G. Thiele, "The new sound format `3/2-Stereo'", presented at the 94th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Berlin, preprint 3550a, 1993.

  • [5b] G. Stoll, G. Theile, S. Nielsen, A. Sielze, M. Link, R. Sedlmeyer, A. Brefort, "Extension of ISO/MPEG-Audio Layer II to multichannel coding: the future standard for broadcasting, telecommunication, and multimedia applications", presented at the 94th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Berlin, preprint 3550, 1993.

  • [6] J.-P. Jullien, E. Kahle, O. Warusfel, S. Winsberg, "Some results on the objective characterization of room acoustic quality in both laboratory and real environments", Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics XIV (2), Birmingham, 1992.

  • [7] M. Bosi, "A real-time system for spatial distribution of sound", CCRMA report, Department of Music, Stanford University, 1990.

  • [8] B. Gardner, "A real-time multichannel room simulator", presented at the 124th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, 1992.

  • [9] Ircam Max. MaxLib Reference. Ircam, First Edition, March 1994.

  • [10] C. Lavandier, "Validation perceptive d'un modèle objectif de caractérisation de la qualité acoustique des salles", Doctoral dissertation, Université du Maine, Le Mans, 1989.

  • [11] V. Pulkki, Virtual sound source positioning using vector base amplitude panning, Journal of the Aud. Eng. Soc., 45(6), pp.456-466, June 1997

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