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Hybrid Models - SNARE-1

Tutorial SNARE-1

Specific Slots



Default value


Maximum Amplitude. Linear from >0.0 to 1000 or in dB from 0 to -∞ (see Tutorial Getting Started 02 - Amplitude and Internal Editor for more details)



(Minimum) current frequency [Hz]



Amplitude of the pseudo-inharmonic tone [lin, >0.0-1000.0 or dB <= 0.0]



Amplitude of the jitter/random source [%]



(Centre) frequency of the jitter [Hz]



Seed value for the recursive pseudo-random formula


Class description

The SNARE-1 Class realizes a a simple simulation of a snare drum (percussion like sound) with the following controls:

  • The amplitude of the harmonic tone,
  • The fundamental frequency,
  • The amplitude of the pseudo-inharmonic tone,
  • The amplitude of the jitter/random source [%],
  • The frequency of the jitter [Hz],
  • The Seed value for the recursive pseudo-random formula.
Patch description

The examples A and B focus on the amplitude of the harmonic tone,

The example C deals with the frequency of the harmonic tone,

The examples D and E focus on the amplitude of the pseudo-inharmonic tone,

The examples F and G deal with the amplitude of the random source

The example H fixes on the frequency of the jitter,

The example I focuses on the seed value for the recursive pseudo-random formula. A value between 0 and 1 will produce an initial output of amp * seed. A value greater than 1 will be seeded from the system clock. A negative value will cause seed re-initialization to be skipped.

Common Red Patches

For the red patches Synt, C#ed and rnd see Appendix-A.

Inside the Class

Csound Orchestra of the SNARE-1 Class.

instr 1

idur = p3

idurosc = 1/idur

isin_amp = (p4 > 0.0 ? (p4*0.001*0dbfs) : (ampdbfs (p4)))

if0 = p5

inh_amp = (p6 > 0.0 ? (p6*0.001*0dbfs) : (ampdbfs (p6)))

iran_amp = (p7 > 0.0 ? (p7*0.001*0dbfs) : (ampdbfs (p7)))

iran_cfq = p8

iran_bw = p9

iranfun = 11

inhfun = 12

iaudiofun = 13

islowenv = 21

ifastenv = 22

; noise

a4 rand iran_amp, iran_bw

a5 poscil a4, idurosc, ifastenv

a6 poscil a5, iran_cfq, iranfun

; pseudo-inharmonic spectrum

a3 poscil iran_amp, idurosc, ifastenv

a4 poscil a3, if0, inhfun

; sine tone

a1 oscili isin_amp, idurosc, islowenv

a2 poscil a1, if0, iaudiofun

asound = a2+a4+a6

out asound


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