Name | Description | Default value |
amp | Maximum Amplitude. Linear from >0.0 to 1000 or in dB from 0 to -∞ (see Tutorial Getting Started 02 - Amplitude and Internal Editor for more details) | -6.0 |
f0 | Minimum fundamental frequency of the impulses that create the sinebursts [Hz] | 131.0 |
f0max | Maximum fundamental frequency of the impulses that create the sinebursts [Hz] | 165.0 |
f0env | Envelope of the fundamental frequency of the impulses that create the sinebursts [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
f0jta | Jitter's amplitude of the fundamental frequency [% of f0] | 0.06 |
freq | Minimum formant frequency [Hz] | 2.0 |
fqmax | Maximum formant frequency [Hz] | 1.0 |
fqenv | Envelope of the formant frequency [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
fqjta | Jitter's amplitude of the formant frequency [% of freq] | 0.1 |
bw | Minimum formant bandwidth at -6dB [Hz] | 0.0 |
bwmax | Maximum formant bandwidth at -6dB [Hz] | 0.0 |
bwenv | Envelope of the formant bandwidth at -6dB [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
aenv | Amplitude Envelope [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
win | Minimum attack times of the sinusoid burst [sec] | 0.003 |
winmax | Maximum attack times of the sinusoid burst [sec] | 0.01 |
winenv | Envelope of the attack times of the sinusoid burst [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
wdur | Minimum duration of the sinusoid burst [sec] | 0.1 |
wdurmax | Maximum duration of the sinusoid burst [sec] | 1 |
wdurenv | Envelope of the duration of the sinusoid burst [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
wout | Minimum decay times of the sinusoid burst [sec] | 0.02 |
woutmax | Maximum decay times of the sinusoid burst [sec] | 0.2 |
woutenv | Envelope of the decay times of the sinusoid burst [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
oct | Minimum octaviation factor of the fof [flt >=0.0] | 0.0 |
octmax | Maximum octaviation factor of the fof [flt >=0.0] | 1.0 |
octenv | Envelope of the octaviation factor of the fof [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
amode | Formant frequency mode [0=no glissando within each grain] | 1 |
afil | Table for sineburst synthesis (size of at least 4096 recommended) [GEN01 or BPF] | 32 |
The FOF-A4 Class realizes a Formant Wave-Function Synthesis with the following controls:
For the explanation of f0, freq and bw see Tutorial FOF-1
For the explanation of win, wdur, wout and oct see Tutorial FOF-2
For the explanation of afil see Tutorial FOF-4
The example A shows some possibilities of this class.
For the red patch C#ed and Synt see Appendix A
instr 1
idur = p3
idurosc = 1/p3
iamp = (p4 > 0.0 ? (p4*0.001*0dbfs) : (ampdbfs (p4)))
if0min = p5
if0max = p6
if0d = if0max-if0min
if0env = p7
if0jt = p8/3.0 ; three modules
ifqmin = p9
ifqmax = p10
ifqd = ifqmax-ifqmin
ifqenv = p11
ifqjt = p12/3.0
ibwmin = p13
ibwmax = p14
ibwd = ibwmax-ibwmin
ibwenv = p15
iaenv = p16
iwinmin = p17
iwinmax = p18
iwind = iwinmax-iwinmin
iwinenv = p19
iwdurmin= p20
iwdurmax= p21
iwdurd = iwdurmax-iwdurmin
iwdurenv= p22
iwoutmin= p23
iwoutmax= p24
iwoutd = iwoutmax-iwoutmin
iwoutenv= p25
ioctmin = p26
ioctmax = p27
ioctd = ioctmax-ioctmin
ioctenv = p28
imode = p29
ifile = p30
iolaps = 100000 ; how many simultaneous FOFs can be played
; (takes little memory if not used)
iphs = 0
iskip = 0
isize = 1 ; 31-bit random numbers for randi
isigfun = 19
; jitter for f0
; seed>1.0=> seed from the system time
kf0j1 randi if0jt, 1/0.05, 1.8135, isize
kf0j2 randi if0jt, 1/0.111, 1.3111, isize
kf0j3 randi if0jt, 1/1.219, 1.6711, isize
kf0j = (kf0j1+kf0j2+kf0j3)
;f0 envelope
kf0env poscil if0d, idurosc, if0env
kf0 = kf0env+if0min
kf0end = kf0+(kf0*kf0j)
; jitter for freq
kfqj1 randi ifqjt, 1/0.053, 1.5318, isize
kfqj2 randi ifqjt, 1/0.112, 1.1113, isize
kfqj3 randi ifqjt, 1/1.215, 1.7166, isize
kfqj = (kfqj1+kfqj2+kfqj3)
;freq envelope
kfqenv poscil ifqd, idurosc, ifqenv
kfq = kfqenv+ifqmin
kfqend = kfq+(kfq*kfqj)
kbw poscil ibwd, idurosc, ibwenv
kbwend = ibwmin+kbw
;krise (win)
kwin poscil iwind, idurosc, iwinenv
kwinend = iwinmin+kwin
;kdur (wdur)
kwdur poscil iwdurd, idurosc, iwdurenv
kwdurend = iwdurmin+kwdur
;kdec (wout)
kwout poscil iwoutd, idurosc, iwoutenv
kwoutend = iwoutmin+kwout
koct poscil ioctd, idurosc, ioctenv
koctend = ioctmin+koct
; amplitude envelope
kenv poscil iamp, idurosc, iaenv
; xamp xfund xform oct kband kris kdur kdec iolaps ifna ifnb
asig fof 1.0, kf0end, kfqend, koctend, kbwend, kwinend, kwdurend, kwoutend, \
iolaps, ifile, isigfun, idur, iphs, imode, iskip
asound = asig*kenv
outc asound