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Random Amplitude Modulation Synthesys with RANFL-1

Tutorial RANFL-1

Specific Slots



Default value


Maximum Amplitude. Linear from >0.0 to 1000 or in dB from 0 to -∞ (see Tutorial Getting Started 02 - Amplitude and Internal Editor for more details)



Maximum frequency of the Random Amplitude Modulation or of the generating noise [Hz]



Center frequency of the formant-resonant filter [Hz]



Bandwidth of the formant-resonant filter [Hz]



Amplitude Envelope [GEN]

Instance: GEN07


Impulse response attack time [sec]



Impulse response decay time [sec]


Class description

The RANFL-1 Class realizes a Random Amplitude Modulation of a Formant-Resonant Filter with the following controls:

  • The main amplitude,
  • The maximum frequency of the Random Amplitude Modulation or of the generating noise,
  • The center frequency of the formant-resonant filter,
  • The bandwidth of the formant-resonant filter,
  • The amplitude envelope by means of a GEN routine,
  • The Impulse response attack time,
  • The Impulse response decay time.
Patch description

The example A focuses on the maximum frequency of the Random Amplitude Modulation.

The example B deals with the center frequency of the formant-resonant filter.

The example C spreads the bandwidth of the formant-resonant filter from 1 to 2000 Hz.

The example D collects 5 different amplitude envelopes.

The example E fixes on the impulse response attack times.

The example F fixes on the impulse response decay times.

Common Red Patches

For the red patches Synt, C#ed and rnd see Appendix-A.

Inside the Class

Csound Orchestra of the RANFL-1 Class.

instr 1

idur = p3

idurosc = 1/p3

iamp = (p4 > 0.0 ? (p4*0.001*0dbfs) : (ampdbfs (p4)))

if0 = p5

ifq = p6

ibw = p7

iaenv = p8

irise = p9

idec = p10

iseed = 2 ; seed from system time

isize = 1 ; 31-bit random numbers

iscl = 1 ; peak response factor = 1

anoise randi 1.0, if0, iseed, isize

asig reson anoise, ifq, ibw, iscl

afil fofilter asig, ifq, irise, idec

asound balance afil, anoise

kenv poscil iamp, idurosc, iaenv ; amp envelope

out asound*kenv


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