Name | Description | Default value |
amp | Maximum Amplitude. Linear from >0.0 to 1000 or in dB from 0 to -∞ (see Tutorial Getting Started 02 - Amplitude and Internal Editor for more details) | 0.0 |
f0 | Minimum value of the pitch transposition of input sound by this factor (e.g. 0.5 means one octave lower, 2 is one octave higher, and 1 is the original pitch). Fractional values are allowed. Negative values are not. | 2.0 |
afil | Audio file [name, with possible path, sound, string, pathname or GEN01] | 31 |
skip | (Minimum) starting point when reading an audio file [sec] | 0.5 |
aenv | Amplitude Envelope [GEN] | Instance: GEN07 |
lpbeg | Loop start point [sec] | 0.3 |
lpend | Loop end point [sec] | 0.6 |
win | Crossfade time [sec] | 0.3 |
mode | Loop modes: 0 forward, 1 backward, 2 back-and-forth | 1 |
The Smpl-5 Class is a Crossfading Looper with the following controls:
The example A displays the transposition factor.
The example B collects two different audio file.
The example C deals with the skipping times.
The example D uses four different BPF as amplitude envelope.
The examples E & F focus on the start and end point of the loop.
The example G fixes on the crossfade time.
The example H allows us to understand the three loop mode.
For the red patch C#ed see Appendix A
instr 1
idur = p3
idurosc = 1/idur
iamp = (p4 > 0.0 ? (p4*0.001*0dbfs) : (ampdbfs (p4)))
iamp = iamp/0dbfs ; since sfile is not normalized, reduce amp between 0 and 1
ixpf = p5
ifile = p6 ; must be a GEN01
iskip = p7 ; secs
iaenv = p8 ; global amplitude envelope
ilpbeg = p9
ilpend = p10
ilpxf = p11
ilpmode = p12
iskp = 0 ; do not skip initialization
isigfun = 19 ; sigmoid function
; global amplitude envelope
k3 poscil iamp, idurosc, iaenv ; file reading
;a1 lposcil 1.0, ixpf, ilpbeg, ilpend, ifile, iphs
a1 flooper2 1.0, ixpf, ilpbeg, ilpend, ilpxf, ifile, iskip, ilpmode, isigfun, iskp
asound = a1*k3
out asound