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OMChroma User ManualSystem Configuration and Installation > Foreword
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Before starting

You must have the latest version of OpenMusic and the OMChroma library installed on your computer (see Links section).

If you do not have a running version of csound, download and install one. When the installation is complete, you should have an executable version of csound in /usr/local/bin. To be sure that csound exists, open a Terminal window and type:

> ls /usr/local/bin

The name "csound" should be contained in the result.

The latest version of Csound is 6.01 (November 2013). The latest Csound 5 version is 5.19. There is a substantial change between Csound 5.x and Csound 6.x. Only OMChroma 4.1 is compatible with both Csound 5 and Csound 6 (see Links to download them).

Csound 64 bits

Csound 6 comes in two versions, called "csound" and "csound64". The latter is 64 bits. FOR THE TIME BEING, only csound 32 bits will be called by OMChroma.

To run csound 64 bits, proceed as follows:

Open a Terminal window and type:

> cd /usr/local/bin

> sudo mv csound csound32

> ln -s csound64 csound

This will create a symbolic link to csound64 called "csound". In order not to loose the executable version of csound (32 bits), it was renamed csound32 (second line, this will require the super user password). In this way, when OMChroma calls csound, it will automatically run the 64 bits version.


OMChroma is a special-purpose library dedicated to the high-level musical control of sonic processes. It implements the concept of a "virtual synthesizer" and is currently using Csound as a real synthesizer, the most popular and widely used free synthesis software, available for different platforms.


OMChant is now a separated library for the control of the Chant synthesiser, via an SDIF file. As a consequence, the few tutorials that used to show how to control Chant within OMChroma have been moved from OMChroma to the tutorials of OMChant.

Entry requirements

We assume you have a good knowledge of OpenMusic and know how to manage the OM Workspace. For any problems with OpenMusic consult the OM Documentation (see Links).

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