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Point Output


Creates an audio output from the speed of an access or directly from the value of a controller.

(make-point-output ... )

Lisp Syntax and Default Values

(make-point-output access_reference)


(make-point-output access_reference channel scalar mode_selection)


(make-point-output controller_reference channel scalar selected_dimension)


The (make-point-output ... ) function takes from one to four arguments:

  • access_reference: the access to which the "loudspeaker" should be attached.
  • controller_reference: a controller whose value will be output, instead of the speed of an access.
  • channel: (optional) which output channel to send the samples to (default 0, i.e. channel 1).
  • scalar: (optional) value or controller to scale the amplitude of the samples (default 1).
  • mode_selection: (optional) if provided, it is used to can select an individual mode (or modes) to output (default 0 = all modes).
  • selected_dimension: dimension of the controller which will be output (default 0).

This function lets you output the speed of an access (i.e. the sound generated by that access), or the value of a controller.

The channel parameter sets the output channel for this point-output. The number of output channels is automatically set using the highest value given for this parameter, unless overridden by the (set-number-of-channels ... ) function.

The scalar can either be a value or a controller to set or dynamically modify the amplitude of the output samples.

The mode selection, when set to 0 outputs the sum of all modes. To output an individual more, you should provide a numerical value, where 1 corresponds to the first mode, 2 to the 2nd, etc... You can also provide a list for this parameter in order to output multiple modes. All output modes are scaled by the controller as a unit, so if you want multiple modes with independent amplitude controllers, you should make multiple point-outputs. [actually this seems to be bugged - 1 currently outputs the 2nd harmonic, and so forth - it seems there is no way to output the fundamental by itself...]

The selected dimension corresponds to the dimension of the controller whose value will be output.


Manually setting the number of output channels is optional. Modalys will automatically determine the number of output channels based on the channel arguments provided to the Point Output functions that are used in the script. (The make-point-output command additionally has optional arguments to set which channel to direct the output to.)



Some very old versions of Modalys used a separate fucntion to output a controller:

  • (make-output-from-controller controller_reference channel selected_dimension)

This no longer exists, since it has been integrated into the make-point-output function itself. Old scripts may need to be updated accordingly.

See Also

(make-point-input ... )

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