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Read Modal Object


Creates an object from modal data stored in a file. This could be using modal data saved with the Modalys (save-object ...) function, or to retrieve a modal data file produced by some other source, such as an analysis or another program.


Lisp Syntax and Default Values

(make-object 'read-from-file file_name )


The 'read-from-file object takes one argument:

  • file_name: name of modal data file in quotes (i.e., "my-saved-membrane").

The 'read-from-file object is generally used to recover objects which were stored using save-object. In this case, the object can be accessed exactly as it was before it was saved. (If, for, example, you saved a mono-string and then read it back, you would access it with a number between zero and one followed by the symbol 'trans0.)

Discussion and Accesses

The other possible reason for using 'read-from-file is to retrieve a modal data file produced by some other source, such as an analysis or another program. In this case, Modalys generally has no way of knowing what shape the object is, and thus it is necessary to use 'decoded accesses. For example, if there was a modal analysis file for a cello body which had two physical points in the analysis, you would do:

  • (setq my-cello (make-object 'read-from-file "cello-body"))

    (setq my-cello-ac1 (make-access my-cello (const 0 1) 'decoded)

    (setq my-cello-ac2 (make-access my-cello (const 1 0) 'decoded)

For more information on 'decoded accesses, see the entry for (make access ... ).


There are no special options for this object.

See Also

Read Modal Object - (make-object 'read-from-file ... )

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