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Valve Connection


This connection simulates the behavior of a valve. It can be used as well to imitate vibrating lips. Note that you can make it with one or two accesses, plus one for the object playing the role of the tube.


Lisp Syntax and Default Values

(make-connection 'valve acc_ref1 acc_pos1 acc_ref2 acc_pos2 tube_acc breath-pressure air-density under-area front-area front-angle aperture-length weight)


(make-connection 'valve acc_ref1 acc_pos1 tube_acc breath-pressure air-density under-area front-area front-angle aperture-length weight)


The 'valve connection takes twelve arguments (or ten if made with two instead of three accesses):

  • acc_ref1: first access.
  • acc_pos1: initial position of the first access with respect to the valve. (numerical value, not a controller)
  • acc_ref2: second access.
  • acc_pos2: initial position of the second access with respect to the valve. (numerical value, not a controller)
  • tube_acc: access on the object used as a tube.
  • breath-pressure: a controller defining the breath pressure of the air blowing in the valve. (Pascals)
  • air-density: a controller for the density of air. (kg/m^3)
  • under-area: a controller defining the surface of the under part of the valve. (m^2)
  • front-area: a controller defining the surface of the front part of the valve. (m^2)
  • front-angle: the inclination of the valve. (degrees)
  • aperture-length: a controller defining the length of the aperture/opening. (m)
  • weight: (optional) controller weighing the interaction.

The two initial vertical positions must be numerical values, not controllers.

Typical values for air-pressure range from 0 to 50000 Pa.

The real-world value for air density is 1.2 kg / m^3, on earth at sea level at room temperature. You might need to play with this if you wish to blow in other Modalys objects.

Typical values for the surface area of the under part of the valve are from 1e-14 to 1e-3 m^2.

Typical values for the surface area of the front part of the valve are also from 1e-14 to 1e-3 m^2.

For the inclination (angle) of the valve, use whatever system you selected with set_angle_mode. By default, it is degrees.

The weight controller is optional. If not provided, it defaults to 1.

You can make this connection with either two or three accesses: it could have two vibrating “lips” or one vibrating against a static surface, in addition to the object playing the role of a tube.


The valve connection is similar to a reed connection.

[More information forthcoming...]


There are no special options for this connection.

See Also

Modalys Tutorial Example [examples coming soon!]

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