
Peak Analysis

General Principles

Peak Detection

At each FFT frame, amplitude maxima are detected in the short terme amplitude spectrum.


The resulting sdif file contains 1PIC frames. These frames are a standard type of sdif matrix dedicated to sinusoidal modeling. The data correspond to a constant sinusoid producing a peak in the frequency estimate. Information is displayed in several rows.The matrix contains information about the

  • temporal location in ms.

  • frequency

  • amplitude

  • phase, relatively to the center of the window.

Converting SDIF Files into Text Files

Basic Procedure

Basic Procedure
  1. You can possibly select the region you want to analyse, with a click and drag.

  2. Choose Analysis/Peak Analysis.

  3. In the dialogue window, specify the analysis parameters.

  4. Press OK

In the dialogue window, specifiy a name and location for the file.

Peak Analysis Parameters
  • Threshold in dB : minimum amplitude difference between peaks and neighbour minimum values. By default, the threshold is set to -95 dB – the audibility threshold is equal to -120 dB –. A 0 dB threshold amounts to detecting all peaks.

  • Maximum Number of Peaks : an n number of peaks to detect in each analysis window. By default, 3 peaks are detected in each analysis window.

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