Internal Commands

Internal commands correspond to the MAX or PD messages accepted by the antescofo~ object in a patch. The “internalization” of these messages as primitive actions makes the control of the MAX or the PD antescofo~ object possible from within the score itself. For example, it is possible to switch the follower on or off when a specific musical event is reached.

Internal commands are named


where the suffix xxx is the head of the corresponding MAX/PD message recognized by antescofo~. The exaustive list of internal commands is given below together with their arguments.

Transport command: Controlling the Execution Flow

We first we focus on a set of very important commands used to navigate the score. They control the execution flow of an Antescofo program which is critical in reharseal or during the design phase, as they evades the linearity of the score. See also the section Transport, tempo computation, and others practicalities.

antescofo::start (no argument)
Sends initialization actions (before first event) and wait for follower.

antescofo::play (no argument)
Simulates the score (instrumental+electronics) from the beginning until the end or until stop.

antescofo::startfromlabel string
antescofo::startfrombeat float
Stops the current execution (if needed) and then executes the score from current position to position specified by the argument (a label given by a string or a position in beats) in accelerated more WITHOUT sending messages BUT triggering all actions. Then waits for follower (or user input) right before this position.

antescofo::gotolabel string
antescofo::gotobeat float
Similar to startfrom... but the actions from the begining of the score up to the target are not trigered.

antescofo::scrubtolabel string
antescofo::scrubtobeat float
Stops the current execution (if needed) and then executes in accelerated more the score from current position to position specified by the argument WITH sending messages up to (and not including) the specified position. Then waits for follower (or user input). The position is given by a lable (a string) or a position in beats.

antescofo::resetfromlabel string
antescofo::resetfrombeat float
Stops the current execution (if needed) and then executes in accelerated more the score from current position to position specified by the argument without sending messages up to (and not including) the specified position. Then all active action are killed before waiting for the event notified by the follower (or the user input). The position is given by a label (a string) or a position in beats.

antescofo::playfromlabel string
antescofo::playfrombeat float
Stops the current execution (if needed) and then executes the score from current position to position specified by the argument in accelerated more WITHOUT sending messages, then PLAYs (simulates) the score from thereon.

antescofo::playtolabel string
antescofo::playtobeat float
Play (simulate) score from current position up to position specified by the argument (there is no stop nor restart from the begining.

antescofo::visitlabel string
Position the system on the position specified by the argument without doing anything else. The target event is notified and the event that follows is waited by the listening machine. Notice that this command does not imply an implicit stop nor a fastforward mode.

antescofo::nextevent (no argument)
forces the follower to wait for the first event that appears after the current position. The actions between the current position and the next event are launched.

antescofo::nextlabel (no argument)
forces the follower to wait for the next event that has a label. The actions between the current position and the next event are launched. The infered tempo is kept unchanged.

antescofo::nextlabeltempo (no argument)
same as but the elapsed time is used to adjust the tempo.

antescofo::before_nextlabel (no argument)
force the progression of the score following up-to the next label, launching the actions between the current point and the next label, but still waiting its occurence.

antescofo::previousevent (no argument)
antescofo::previouslabel (no argument)
similar to nextevent or nextlabel but looking backward in the score.

antescofo::nextaction (no argument)
forces the follower to wait for the next event that has some associated actions. The actions triggered between the current position and the new one, are launched.

List of other internal commands

antescofo::actions string
inhibits (string = "off") or enables (string = "on") the launch of actions on events recognition. This is different from muting a track: muting a track inhibit the sending of some Max/PD messages while this command inhibit the performance (execution) of all actions.

antescofo::add_completion_string string
defines a new completion string to a running and connected Ascograph (Mac only).

antescofo::analysis int int
specifies a new FFT windows length and a new hop size for the audio analysis.

antescofo::ascographwidth_set int
defines the width of the Ascograph window. Look also some parameters of the interface in the inspector of the Antescofo MAX object.

antescofo::ascographheight_set int
defines the height of the Ascograph window. Look also some parameters of the interface in the inspector of the Antescofo MAX object.

antescofo::ascographxy_set int int
defines the x and y position of the window. Look also some parameters of the interface in the inspector of the_Antescofo_ MAX object.

antescofo::asco_trace int
turn on (int=1) or off (int = 0) the Ascograph tracking of the score position when is Antescofo is running in following mode.

antescofo::bachscore string
send to the receivers recv a sequence of message tha descrive the current Anetscofo score. The format of the messages is understood by the bach.roll object in Max which will build a piano roll representation of the score.

antescofo::bpmtolerance float
reserved command.

antescofo::bypass_temporeset "on" or "off" or int (0 or 1)
When musical events are expected and they are not notified, the current tempo is set to zero after 8 not-received events, which stops all computations. The command antescofo::bypass_temporeset "on" disable this behavior, meaning that the current tempo keep its last value when no event are notified.

antescofo::calibrate int
turn calibration mode on (1) or off (1).

antescofo::clear (no argument)
clear all preloaded scores.

antescofo::decodewindow int
changes the length of the decoding window used in the inference of the position.

antescofo::filewatchset string
(Max only) watch the file whose path is given by the argument, to reload it when changed on disk (the file is suppose dto be the source of the current score).

antescofo::gamma float
change an internal parameter of the score following engine.

antescofo::get_current_score (no argument)
send to a running and connected the source of the current score.

antescofo::get_patch_receivers (no argument)
reserved command.

antescofo::getlabels (no argument)
send to the first outlet the list of events label. Correspond to the get_cues message accepted by the object.

antescofo::harmlist float … (a list of floats corresponding to
a vector)
specify the list of harmonics used in the audio observation.

antescofo::info (no argument)
print on the console output various informations on the version, and the current status of the object. Usefull when reporting a problem.

antescofo::killall (no argument)
abort all running processes and actions.

antescofo::mode int
reserved command.

antescofo::musician_tempo nim
overhide the tempo specified in the score (using BPM statement) by a tempo curve defined by the NIM given in argument.

antescofo::mute string
mute (inhibits the sending) of the messages matched by a track.

antescofo::nofharm int
number of harmonics to compute for the audio analysis.

antescofo::normin float
set some internal parameter of the score following.

antescofo::obsexp float
set some internal parameter of the score following.

antescofo::pedal int
enables () or disables () the use of a resonnance model in the audio observation.

antescofo::pedalcoeff float
attenuation coefficient of the pedal model.

antescofo::pedaltime float
attenuation time of the pedal model.

antescofo::piano int
turn the follower in the piano mode (corresponding to a set of parameters adjusted to optimize piano observation).

antescofo::playstring string
interpret the string argument as an sequence of actions and perform it. This command is used by to evaluate a text region highlighted in the editor. It can be used to evaluate on-the-fly actions that have been dynamically generated in an improvisation scenario. Due to OSC limitation, the string size cannot be greather than 1000 characters. But see next command.

antescofo::playstring_append string
this command is used to evaluate on-the-fly a string of size greather than 1000 characters. The sequence of actions must be broken in a sequence of strings each of size less than 1000. Each of these pieces are processed in turn by this command, except for the last one which uses

antescofo::preload string string
preloads a score and store it under a name (the second argument) for latter use.

antescofo::preventzigzag string
allow or disallow zig-zag in the follower. In non-zig-zag mode, the default, the follower infer only increasing positions (except in the case of a jump). In zig-zag mode, the follower may revise a past inference. This ability does not impact the reactive engine : in any case, actions are performed without revision.

antescofo::printfwd (no argument)
output the formatted print of the current program in a new window.

antescofo::printscore (no argument)
output the formatted print of the current program in a new window.

antescofo::read string
loads the corresponding score from the file specified by the argument.

antescofo::report (no argument)
reserved command

reset the tempo specification in the score to the specification given by the BPM statement.

antescofo::scrubtolabel string
Executes the score from current position to the event specified by the argument, in accelerated more WITH sending messages. Waits for follower (or user input) right before this position.

antescofo::scrubtobeat string
Executes the score from current position to the position given by the argument, in accelerated more WITH sending messages. Waits for follower (or user input) right before this position.

antescofo::setvar string numeric
antescofo::setvar string string
antescofo::setvar string a_1 a_2 \dots
assign the value given by the second argument to the variable named by the first argument. If they are more than two arguments, the a_i are packed into a tab. Using this command, the environment may notify Antescofo some information. For instance, Antescofo may react because the variable is in the logical condition of a whenever. See external assignment.

antescofo::score string
loads the corresponding score (an alias of ).

antescofo::static_analysis (no argument)
reserved command

antescofo::stop (no argument)
stop the follower and abort the runing actions.

antescofo::suivi int
enables or disables the follower. Even if the follower is off, actions may run and can be spanned and interaction with the environment may happens through and .

antescofo::tempo float
specify an arbitrary tempo.

antescofo::tempoinit int
reserved command.

antescofo::temposmoothness float
adjust a parameter of the tempo inference algorithm.

antescofo::tune float
set the tuning base (default 440.0Hz).

antescofo::unmute string
unmute (allows the sending) of the messages matched by a track.

antescofo::variance float
set the variance parameter of the inference algorithm.

antescofo::verbosity int
specify the level of system messages emitted during execution.

antescofo::version (no argument)
print the version of the object and various build information on the console.

Score-level commands

For the sake of completness, we give here the commands that are not expressed as atomic actions but appears as a keyword at the top-level of a score. They usually cannot be triggered through dedicated a message and do not follow the antescofo::xxx syntax.

There are described in section Score Statments

Execution mode of an internal command

Initially (before September 2022), all internal commands were performed immediatly, soon as they were encountered in the score. This behavior is called the immediate execution mode. It may cause some subtle problem, especially for commands that divert the current execution flow, like most of the transport command listed above.

Since version 1.1, internal commands can be performed following

  • the immediate mode (previous behavior)

  • or the delayed mode, which postpones the command to the end of the currrent logical instant.

The execution mode of a command can be enforced explicitly using the two attributes @immediate (for the immediate mode) or @post for the delayed mode. Example:

    antescofo::compil  "@fib" "int" "int"  @post
    antescofo::nextevent @immediate

Without explicit specification, the execution mode is selected taking
into account the execution context and the command itself:

- if the command is issued from a script[^script], the default behavior
  is the immediate mode, irrespectively of the command;

- if the command is coming from the usual execution flow of the score,
  then the execution mode depends of the command itself: most of
  [transport commands](/Reference/tempo_transport/#transport) are
  postponed, and the other are immediate.

Here is the list of internal commands that are postponed by default:

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Notice that when a command is received as a Max message or an OSC message, the immediate and postponed distinction is no longer relevant because the commands are performed in their own logical instant. Note also that the execution mode specified by the attribute is always acknowledged.



line divider

Alphabetical Listing of Antescofo Internal Command

Command names in square brackets are either reserved for internal use or awaiting documentation. This listing is automatically produced by the command [antescofo::libraryinfo].

  1. Scripts are an undocumented mechanism presents only in standalone version of antescofo and used to drive an antescofo execution by interleaving transport commands with other actions.