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IntroductionGoing Through an AS Session > Saving and Quitting
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Saving and Quitting

Saving Sound, Analysis and Treatment Files

Sound, analysis and treatment files can be saved, so they can be open subsequently and independently. If open via Audiosculpt, treatments or analysis files can't be open independently from a sound file, in a standard AudioSculpt window.

Saving the Sound File

The resulting sound file was already saved when processing the filters. If you wish to save your sound files under another name or location, select the File/Save Sound As menu item.

Saving the Sonogram Analysis

The sonogram analysis can be saved as an independent .sdif file – a standard analysis file format, so that you don't have to execute the analysis again.

Select the File/Save Analysis As/Save Sonogram As menu item

By default, Audiosculpt will offer you to save the file in the Fft directory of the User Home Folder.

Choose a name and location for the .sdif file.

The file can then be open again for a subsequent use.

Saving Filters

The filters parameters can be saved in an independent .trt file.

Select the File/Save Treatment As or Save Treatment menu item

By default, Audiosculpt will offer you to save the file in the Treatments directory of the User Home Folder.

Choose a name and location for the .trt file.

Treatments can then be applied to the original files they were attached to, or applied to other sound files.

Closing the Document/Quitting

Closing the Document

If you haven't saved the analysis and treatments, you will be offered to save them when closing the document.


To quit AS, go to AudioSculpt X.X.X/Quit or press Cmd+Q.

If necessary, you will be offered to save the analysis and treatments applied to the file, as well as other possible operation. Any operation that was executed is selected by default, even if not processed.

  • If necessary, unselect the items you don't want to save and press Save Selected.

  • If you don't need to save these, press Don't Save.

User Home Folder

The resulting sound, analysis and treatment files are located as persistent files in the corresponding directories of the User Home Folder.

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