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Access Force Controller


This is a controller which outputs the interaction force of a connection at an access.

(make-controller 'access-force ... )

Lisp Syntax and Default Values

The 'access-force controller can be created using the following Lisp syntax:

(make-controller 'access-force dimension access_reference)


The 'access-force controller takes two arguments:

  • dimension: number of dimensions of the controller (in this case, please use 1).
  • access_reference: an access on an object.

The dimension for this controller should be set to 1.

The access referenced must have connection associated with it.


This is a controller which outputs the interaction force of a connection at an access. It could be used, for example, to acquire the force exerted by one connection and apply it to another object using a 'force controller, as in the following example, which takes the pluck from Modalys example 1 and uses the interaction force from the string to excite the plate from Modalys example 2 (instead of a strike connection):

(setq force-ctl (make-controller 'access-force 1 my-string-plk))

(make-connection 'force my-plate-hit force-ctl)

This results in a very different sound from using an 'access-speed or 'access-position controller.

The image at the top of this page shows force, position and speed controllers obtained from the plucked access on the string and a position controller from the plucking access on the plectrum as given in the Modalys plucked string example.



This was formerly called (make-controller 'connection-force ... ) and operated on a connection, instead of an access. A handful of very ancient Modalys scripts may need to be updated to use the new syntax.

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