
Gain Edition Dialogue Window

The Edit Gain dialogue window allows a precise gain edition.

Dialogue Window


The Edit Gain dialogue windowopens with :

  • a double click on a filter,

  • a double click on the block in the Processing Sequencer

  • wih the Edit/Change Gain command.

Enter a gain value between -116 and 116 dB, and validate. Inferior or superior values will be restricted to these values.

Press OK to validate, or Cancel.

Note that if the gain has been already modified manually with a Ctrl click, this modification will be taken into account in the dialogue window.

Gain and Contour

  1. Enter a gain value between -116 and 116 dB, and validate. Inferior or superior values will be restricted to these values.

  2. Press OK to validate, or Cancel.

Note that if the gain has been already modified manually with a Ctrl click, this modification will be taken into account in the dialogue window.


You can possibly specify a gain contour in this window. Click on the pop up menu and choose a menu item.

  • With a Flat gain contour, the increase or decrease slope will be almost straight.

  • With a Time Fade contour, the slope will be gradual, with a fade in/ fade out.

Note that once a contour option has been chosen, this option remains valid even with subsequent gain modifications.

  • With a flat gain, the constant gain is represented by an homogenic shade.

  • With a fade, the progressive gain is represented by a gradation.

1. 2. A negative and positive gain with flat contour 3. 4. Same gain with time fade contour.
1. 2. A negative and positive gain with flat contour 3. 4. Same gain with time fade contour.

Fade In/Out

Default Behaviour

By default, the gain increases or decreases linearly and equally from the beginning to the end of the area, where the peak is reached at a precise point.

Default Behaviour

This behaviour can be modified manually from the sonogram window, to some extent. To modify the peak position :

  1. Ctr + Shift click on the area.

  2. A cross will appear on the filter at the temporal position of the peak.

  3. This position can then be changed moving the pointer.

The peak duration cannot be modified though.

Note that the contour type and peak position are updated automatically and in realtime in the Inspector.

Gain Parametric Values

This tutorial shows the effects of the various types of gain parameters and the filter behaviour.

  • Gain Edition Dialogue Window
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