Vezér enables control and synchronisation of any MIDI, OSC or DMX enabled environments - realtime video softwares, lighting rigs, etc. - through the use of timeline based automations. Vezér offers a nice and user-friendly interface to graphicaly edit breakpoint functions. The function @nim2vezer can be used to input an Antescofo nim into the Vezér graphical BPF editor through a JSON file.
In the reverse direction, the Vezér graphical editor can export a BPF as an XML file. This XML file can be read using @xml_read. The resulting data structure can be used to create the corresponding Antescofo nim.
Note that only a subset of Antescofo nim can be handled by Vezér: some Antescofo interpolation type are not managed by Vezér, neither discontinuous nim, etc.
The encoding of an XML text into an Antescofo value is described in @xml_read. The encoding of a map in JSON is described in @json_write and detailed in sect. Defining a value in Json format. The JSON format used to import a BPF into Vezér is described at page import from JSON and the rendering of a Vezér BPF into XML at page export XML.
See also Data Exchange Functions: @dump, @dumpvar, @gnuplot, @json_read, @json_string, @json_write, @loadvalue, @loadvar, @nim2vezer @parse, @plot, @read_file, @rplot, @savevalue, @set_osc_handling_double, @set_osc_handling_int64, @set_osc_handling_tab, @string2fun, @string2obj, @string2proc @to_num @xml_read @xml_string