Loop: Sequential Iterations¶
The loop
loop optional_label period { loop_body }
is similar to a group but instead of being performed once, the actions in the loop body are iterated depending on a period specification giving the time elapsed between two loop iterations:
Loop L 0.5
{ print $NOW }
will print:
The instances of the loop body are evaluated as independent groups. So, if the period is shorter than the duration of the body of the loop, successive iterations will overlap:
$i := 0
Loop L1 1
@local $j
$j := $i
$i := $i+1
print "start" $j
2 print "stop" $j
start 0
start 1
stop 0
start 2
stop 1
stop 2
Here, when the body of the loop is instantiated, the global variable
is copied in the local variable $j
: $i
can then be updated to
count the iteration but $j
records the iteration number for a given
loop body. The loop period is 1
beat and the duration of the body is
beats. So two successive instances of the loop body overlap and
their printing are interleaved. Notice that the local variable is local
to a loop body instantiation (they are as many $j
as concurrent loop

The overlapping of two iterations of the loop body can be avoided, see @exclusive below.
Loop Period¶
The period of a loop is an expression evaluated at each iteration and is used to schedule the next iteration. So the duration between two iterations can change as the time progress and the iterations are not necessarily periodic.
The period expression is a duration, i.e., it can be absolute or relative.
$period := 1
Loop $period s
print $NOW
0.5 s let $period := $period + 1
When the loop is launched at time 0
second, the body is
also launched for the first time and, in parallel, the next iteration is
scheduled with the current value of the period (which at this time is
second). A 0
is printed. After
seconds, the variable $period
incremented. At date 1
second, the period for the next iteration is
evaluated (to 2
) and the second iteration is launched
(printing a 1
). So after 1+2
seconds, the
third iteration takes place and print a 3
, etc.
In addition, the period expression can evaluate to a tab (i.e., a
vector): in this case, the elements of the vector are the successive
periods of the loop. Note that the periods are taken cyclically in the
vector. The s
or ms
qualifier can be used
to specify that the tab elements are given in absolute time instead of
relative time:
$p := [100, 200, 400, 800]
Loop $p ms
print $NOW
will print:
Stopping a Loop¶
The optional until or while clauses are evaluated at each iteration
and eventually stop the loop
. For instance, the declarations on the
left produce the timing of the action’s firing figured in the right:
let $cpt := 0
loop L 1.5
$cpt := $cpt + 1
0.5 a₁
0.5 a₂
until ($cpt >= 3)

The previous loop can also be written using a during clause. Logical times corresponds to loop iterations, so:
loop L 1.5
0.5 a₁
0.5 a₂
during [3#]
is equivalent to the previous loop. Because the loop period is 1.5, three loop iteration will last 4.5 beats, so it can be also written:
loop L 1.5
0.5 a₁
0.5 a₂
during [4.5]
If an end clause is not provided, the loop will continue forever but it can be killed by an explicit abort command:
loop ForEver 1 { print OK }
3.5 abort ForEver
In the case above, OK
will only be printed three times.
Instantaneous Iteration¶
A period of zero (in relative or absolute time) is perfectly legal: all iterations take place in the same instant:
Loop 0ms
print "OK at " $NOW
} during [100#]
will print 100 times OK at xxx
at date xxx
Instantaneous iterations can be used for instance to perform computations on a data-structure (but see also the iteration expression allowed in function definitions).
However, an infinite loop with a zero period implies to perform an infinite number of computations in finite time, which is not possible. For this reason, there is a run-time security: if there is no end clause, the run-time aborts the loop if the number of successive iterations with a period of zero reaches a predefined limit of 10000.
Avoiding Overlapping Iterations: @exclusive¶
As mentioned above, two iterations of a loop body may overlap. In some case this is not the intended behavior: the previous iteration must be stopped before starting the new iteration of the loop body. This is achieved by specifying the attribute @exclusive for the loop: with this attribute, the previous iteration and its eventual childs are aborted. For instance, the program
$i := 0
loop 1 @exclusive
@local $id
$i := $i + 1
$id := $i
loop 0.25 { print iteration $id at $NOW }
2 antescofo::killall
will print the trace at the left. Without the attribute, the trace is given on the right:
iteration 1 at 0.0
iteration 1 at 0.25
iteration 1 at 0.5
iteration 1 at 0.75
iteration 2 at 1.0
iteration 2 at 1.25
iteration 2 at 1.5
iteration 2 at 1.75
iteration 2 at 2.0
iteration 1 at 0.0
iteration 1 at 0.25
iteration 1 at 0.5
iteration 1 at 0.75
iteration 2 at 1.0
iteration 1 at 1.0
iteration 1 at 1.25
iteration 2 at 1.25
iteration 1 at 1.5
iteration 2 at 1.5
iteration 1 at 1.75
iteration 2 at 1.75
iteration 2 at 2.0
Notice that without the attribute, there are two iterations of the loop body that execute the print command at the same date. With the attribute, each iteration of the loop body occurs at disjoint time intervals.
See also the section Priority for the management of actions that take place at the same date.
Synchronization Attributes of a Loop¶
The loop body is an implicit group and the instances of the loop body are childs of the loop. So, synchronization attributes, like @tempo, defined at the loop level, are inherited by them.