Antescofo is a coupling of a real-time listening machine with a reactive and timed synchronous language. The language is used for authoring of music pieces involving live musicians and computer processes, and the real-time system assures its correct performance and synchronization despite listening or performance errors.
These pages documents the language starting from version 0.5. Users willing to practice the language are strongly invited to download Antescofo and use the additional Max or PureData tutorials (with example programs) that come with them for a sensible illustration of the language.
Antescofo scores can be edited using Sublime or Atom editors, with a dedicated mode, making possible to interact in real-time with a runing Antescofo object via OSC messages. The score following can be monitored using a Bach.roll object in Max. The dedicated Ascograph editor and visualizer is no longer maintened and is restricted to the handling of a very restricted subset of the language.
The documentation¶
starts with the User Guide including the description of the Antescofo Workflow which gives a bird view of the system,
proceeds with the Reference Manual for detailed explanation,
and refers to by the description of Library Functions and an Antescofo How-To.
Accessing the information¶
These documents are available as online web pages. The set of web pages for local use (when there is no internet connection) can be downloaded as a zipped file AntescofoDocHTML.zip (it unzips into a directory named AntescofoDocHTML and the file index.html in it can be opened in a browser). This file is also bundled with the Antescofo package. An older version of the documentation in PDF form is still available.
Besides these documents, additional information on Antescofo can be found:
on the Project home page
on IRCAM's users Forum where you can find tutorials to download with bundles for MAX and PureData
on the web site of the MuTAnt team-project where you can find the scientific and technical publications on Antescofo
on Project Development Forge where you can post a bug report
the page Release Notes at the end of the reference manual lists the changes between versions.
Your feedback is important¶
Please, send your comments, typos, bugs reports, suggestions, use cases, hints, and tips on the Antescofo ForumUser web pages. It will help us to improve the documentation and the Antescofo system.