@seconds_in_beats_from_now(exe, d:numeric)
@beats_in_seconds_from_now(exe, d:numeric)
These functions give information about the local timing in the current scope (for the version without the exe argument) or in the temporal scope of the exe given in the arguments (that is, local timing of a given execution of a compound action denoted by its exe).
These are impur functions: the retourned value depends of the scope of execution.
Notice that the value of the variables $RT_TEMPO
corresponds to the value of [@local_tempo()] and
@local_beat_position in the default top-level scope (which is the
musician temporal scope).
Function @seconds_in_beats_from_now(d)
converts in beat
of the current temporal scope the duration d
expressed in seconds.
Function @beats_in_seconds_from_now(d)
converts in
second the duration d
expressed in the relative time of the current
temporal scope.
The version with an addition exe argument refer to the temporal scope of the exe argument.
Example: the execution of the following code
@fun_def pr($id)
print \
$id "now=" $NOW \
"rnow=" $RNOW "lbp=" (@local_beat_position()) \
"rt_tempo=" $RT_TEMPO "lt=" (@local_tempo())
Group G60
1 @pr("b")
1 @pr("c")
Group G120 @tempo := 120
1 @pr("bb")
1 @pr("cc")
produces the trace:
a now= 0.0 rnow= 0.0 lbp= 0.0 rt_tempo= 60.0 lt= 60.0
aa now= 0.0 rnow= 0.0 lbp= 0.0 rt_tempo= 60.0 lt= 120.0
b now= 1.0 rnow= 1.0 lbp= 1.0 rt_tempo= 60.0 lt= 60
bb now= 0.5 rnow= 0.5 lbp= 1.0 rt_tempo= 60.0 lt= 120
c now= 2.0 rnow= 2.0 lbp= 2.0 rt_tempo= 60.0 lt= 60
cc now= 1.0 rnow= 1.0 lbp= 2.0 rt_tempo= 60.0 lt= 120
See also
System Related Functions